We provide Long Distance Towing in Lambsburg, Virginia

Whether you’re in search of a company that can assist you with Long Distance Towing in Lambsburg, Virginia, or if you’re looking for one of the other services that Lester’s Towing LLC provides, dial us at 276-755-3142!

The team at Lester’s Towing LLC is ready and able to assist all motorists in and around Lambsburg, Virginia.

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If you’re in search of Long Distance Towing in Lambsburg, Virginia, look no further than Lester’s Towing LLC!

When you’re in need of Long Distance Towing, you want to choose the most knowledgable company for the job.  That’s why you should dial Lester’s Towing LLC at 276-755-3142 if you find yourself looking for Long Distance Towing in Lambsburg or surrounding areas.

If you’re in need of urgent assistance, please reach out to us at 276-755-3142 or request service online!

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Long Distance Towing In Lambsburg Virginia

Why You Should Choose Us for Long Distance Towing

The team at Lester’s Towing LLC, handles every vehicle with the utmost care. Rest assured knowing that you’re in great hands when you call us for help. Whether you need service in the morning, afternoon, or at night, our team is here on standby, ready to help when you call! We strive to provide five star service to each and every customer, and hope to become your go-to company when you’re in need of Long Distance Towing in or around Lambsburg, Virginia.

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Serving Lambsburg, Virginia and surrounding areas!

Each member of the Lester’s Towing LLC team looks forward to providing professional service to our neighbors in Lambsburg, Virginia!

Lambsburg is an unincorporated community in Carroll County, Virginia, United States. Lambsburg is 10.4 miles (16.7 km) east-southeast of Galax. Lambsburg has a make known office when ZIP code 24351.

Lambsburg is located in the southern ration of Carroll County, near the North Carolina declare line, in a basin upon the headwaters of Stewart’s Creek, between Fisher’s Peak upon the west and the Sugar Loaf Mountain upon the East. Throughout the years and greater than and behind the community, a mountain looms large above known as the Sugar Loaf or Sugarloaf.  Like additional mountains throughout the world by the same name, its publish may get hold of way of the form of the pinnacle which resembles a “sugarloaf” (Allaby, 2010). The publicize Sugarloaf was coined in the 16th century by the Portuguese during the culmination of sugarcane trade in Brazil. According to historian Vieira Fazenda, blocks of sugar were placed in conical molds made of clay to be transported upon ships and formed a loaf shape.

The community of Lambsburg Virginia has been something like for a couple of hundred years. It was there subsequently Hardin Taliaferro, pronounced “Tolliver” was growing up upon Little Fish River in the 1820s: just across the disclose line in Surry County, North Carolina. Lambsburg was next called “The Hawks Settlement”: later called Rocksburg, and still, later, it became Lambsburg.

The community of Lambsburg was named for J C Hugh Lamb who moved here from Guilford County, NC almost 1860 and purchased nearly 500 acres of land upon Stewart’s Creek (Stuart’s Crick.) His wife Mariam A Lamb was the first postmaster of the pronounce office conventional there in 1866. The say office was in the home. The area was agreed thinly populated. Mt Airy, NC was a small community, and Galax, VA did not exist until 50 years later. The mail was carried upon horseback from Mt Airy to Lambsburg and from Lambsburg to Old Town, west of where Galax is now located.

Mr. Lamb was a certainly progressive person. He is said to have built the first schoolhouse in Lambsburg and at his own expense, hired Fannie Kingsbury to tutor in the one-room log building. He was also certified with building the first church, with facilities held by Rev. Eli Whittington, a Methodist minister from Guilford County, NC.

Stewart’s Creek expected its read out from the Stuart families who granted there, or customary early land grants on the creek: among which was John Stewart (1787) father-in-law of Abraham Hawks; Charles Stuart (1810) married Lucy Collins, sister to Chap Collins, and Archibald Stuart (1883) father of General Jeb Stuart. Fisher’s Peak is said to be named after a member of the survey party of Jefferson and Frye with they were establishing the North Carolina/Virginia make a clean breast line. Hot and exhausted after climbing the mountain, Mr. Fisher is said to have drunk too much Cool water from a spring on the Peak and died there. This spring is the head of Fisher’s River (Little Fish River) which flows south just about four miles west of Lambsburg.

The Flower (Flour) Gap Trail, passing through Lambsburg, is the oldest North/South road traversing Carroll County. Flour and grain from the mills upon the Yadkin River in North Carolina were hauled in wagons to the mining areas at Austinville (in Carroll County) where it was exchanged for pig iron and lead. This road was complex abandoned supportive of Piper’s Gap Road, which was named after the surveyor of the road.

Lambsburg had its first heyday during the latter half of the 19th century. An 1885 map of Carroll County by the USGS Survey indicates that the Lambsburg/Aaron section was the most populated area in the county, with the exception of Hillsville. Located mid-way with the two nearest railheads at Roanoke and Winston Salem, it developed into an important trading center: with five large mercantile businesses operated by Daniel Carlan, (general merchandise) Orvil Hawks, (shoes) Friel Hawks, (feed and groceries) Osborne Hawks, (specializing in canned goods) and Billy Hawks, (retail and wholesale whiskey, fruits and farm products.) John C Lamb operated a gun factory. Groug Kingsbury had a cabinet shop where he made coffins and household furniture. Three Government distilleries were in operation by Billy Hawks, Friel Hawks, and Daniel Carlan. Whiskey was hauled to the railheads and shipped to supplementary states.  Osborne Hawks operated a large cannery and hauled or shipped his products to supplementary communities or towns. A campground taking into consideration a blacksmith shop operated by Levi Blackburn for repairing wagons and re-tiring wagon wheels served people who came from far-off distances in wagon trains to do their shopping in Lambsburg.

A male and female academy was built on land donated by Friel Hawks in 1893. Cabel Hawks was the principal. Prof. J A Thompson, Prof. Brown, and Minnie Hawks Boyles were the teachers. Mrs. Boyles taught the girls in a separate room. Plans were made to build a railroad from Roanoke to Winston Salem, where it would border with the Yadkin Valley Railroad. By 1890, the N & W Railway Company had surveyed and purchased a right-of-way through Carroll County, which included a Lambsburg Depot, a 34.5-acre rail yard, and a staging area near the NC/VA confess line. A building constructed by N & W still stands on the site but is now used as a residence. Hard times came and the railroad was never finished. It stopped at Anderson Bottoms and the railroad company laid out a town which they named “Bonapart.” The first shipment from the town was a carload of Galax leaves by Woodruff Company of Low Gap. As a result, they tainted the post to Galax and it was incorporated in 1906.

The railhead at Galax had an adverse effect on the businesses at Lambsburg. Wagon trains no longer came there to pull off their shopping and businesses suffered. In 1910, the Lambsburg Male and Female Academy burned next to and the community college system suffered. In 1918, the eighteenth amendment came into effect and the sale of liquor was illegal. Billy Hawks, who owned the only unshakable government distillery was required to Stop operation, and another well-off business bit the dust. The hands of Providence had dealt coarsely with Lambsburg. It was no longer a well-off business and education center. The turning wheel of records had passed it for the mature being.

In the 1960s and further on 1970s, the community of Lambsburg was intersected by an Interstate in the Eisenhower Interstate system known as I-77.   The genuine estate for the Interstate section at Exit 1 was procured from the associates of Marcus Fayette Edwards (b.1897- d.1971) and Nancy Payne Edwards (b.1899 – d.1963) who owned several hundred acres of estate at the time.  Marcus had purchased the land in the late 1920s after dynamic for a even if in the coal mines of West Virginia previously settling encourage in the Lambsburg community, a place he had known earlier in life perhaps beast born there. 

For many years, no improvement came to the Place in terms of larger announcement enterprises.  Several small businesses have been in operation at various times. In recent years, a Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store opened in 2012 and a Dollar General hoard in January 2019.

4. Wayne Easter, Local Historian; Facebook reveal December 2016 for some of the history past 1920

5. Allaby, Michael (2010). A Dictionary of Ecology (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-19-956766-9.

If you’re in Lambsburg and are looking for Long Distance Towing, give us a call!

At Lester’s Towing LLC, our team handles every vehicle with care. Rest assured knowing that you’re in great hands when you call us for help. Morning, afternoon, or night, we’re standing by to provide help whenever you call! We strive to provide five star service to each and every customer, and hope to become your go-to company when you’re in need of Long Distance Towing in or around Lambsburg, Virginia.